
Host Policy

This Agreement is agreed and entered on the Effective From Date of Registration by and between


The Agreement is engaged in the business of providing Travel and Tourism related services.

Travel Aggregator and Hotel Desire to enter into this agreement to bind themselves with their mutual obligations as prescribed hereunder.

Now therefore the parties hereto agree to this agreement terms as follows.

1.Scope of Services

a. The hotel will provide the Aggregator information with respect to availability of rooms services and amenities and the sell rate to aggregator.

b. The aggregator may then host the availability of the hotel rooms on the website and other online and offline sales channels (including mobile app or browsers, branch office, b2b partners, etc) of the aggregator and other affiliate.

c. The hotel shall solely be responsible for Provisions of services to the customer who have booked the hotel rooms through the Aggregator.

2.Commercial Terms

a. Sell rate

Sell rate is the rate notified through hosting page by the hotel to Aggregator as the listing price of the hotel including any applicable government taxes and GST. Aggregator provides customer reservation at the sell rate.

b. Promotions

If the hotel is offering any promotional sales of the hotel rooms at discounted prices, then the same discounted price should be offered to the customer booking through the aggregator.

c. Commissions

The hotel pay certain commission to the aggregator on all booking made by guest through the platform of aggregator. The commission payable by the hotel to the Aggregator shall always be calculated as a percentage on the sell rate or as mutually agreed between the parties


a.  The hotel shall ensure the availability of information with respect to the hotel accommodation service on real time basis.

b. The hotel shall be responsible for sell rate and availability to the aggregator.

c. The hotel shall submit the necessary KYC documents as may be required by the aggregator from time to time.

d. The hotel shall resolve all customer grievances directly with the customer. Aggregator may at their discretion operate a customer service facility to resolve the grievances of customer over phone and by coordinating with hotel.

e. The hotel shall ensure that the cancellation policy provided in respect of bookings, the amount refundable to the customer in case of cancellation shall be as per the cancellation policy which is communicated by the hotel.

f. No cancellation retention shall be payable to the hotel in case of cancellation of the hotel rooms due to Force of Majeure events.


a.  The Aggregator can issue vouchers confirming the booking of a Hotel room, and collect the Sell Rate from the customer for a Hotel room on behalf of the Hotel.

b. The Aggregator, at their sole discretion, may translate the information about the Hotel’s accommodation services into any regional language and use the same for the Aggregator’s business purposes. 

c. The Aggregator may at their sole discretion solicit reviews of the Hotel from customers who have utilised the Hotel room booked through the Travel Aggregator, and may publish these reviews and associated ratings on the websites of each Facilitator and its Affiliates.

d. The Aggregator will use their best efforts to monitor reviews with respect to certain reasonable criteria of genuineness, and decent language, and further reserve the right to remove these reviews.. 

e. The Aggregator are entitled to display the name, brand name, logo, trademark and any other information of a Hotel, as supplied by such Hotel, to enable the Aggregator to fulfil their rights and obligations under this Agreement.

f. The Aggregator at their own discretion can charge “Service Fee” from a customer for the facilitation services, over and above the Sell Rate. The Aggregator may address such Service Fee with a different nomenclature.


a. Each Party with respect to the services rendered in its individual capacity, would be solely responsible for the compliance of all applicable laws including but not limited to legislations regarding GST, central, state or local levies with respect to payment of tax, duties, levies, charges, cess, etc.

b. The Hotel authorizes the Aggregator to collect the taxes (under the applicable laws) on behalf of the Hotel from the customers at the time of booking. Such tax collected by the Aggregator shall be remitted to the Hotel and it shall be the sole responsibility of the Hotel to deposit the same with the concerned authority under the applicable law. 

c. The Commission payable to the Aggregator will be exclusive of taxes. The Aggregator shall raise an invoice on the Hotel for the amount of Commission along with GST at applicable rate.


a. The Agreement shall commence from the Effective Date and be continue to be valid unless terminated by either Party by giving 30 (thirty) days’ notice to the other Party anytime during the term of this Agreement.

b. In addition, either Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate notice for material breach of the terms of this Agreement by the other Party or for any statutory reasons; in case a breach by a Party is capable of being cured, the other Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate notice if the former Party fails to cure the breach within 15 (fifteen) days’ from the date of being notified of the breach.

c. The accrued obligations of a Party prior to termination of this Agreement, for any reason whatsoever, shall continue to be binding on that respective Party until they are completely discharged. The Hotel shall continue to provide services for the bookings accepted by it prior to the date of termination.

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