
Terms & Conditions

Scope of Services;

 go-trip branded properties, managed and/or owned by third parties as per agreed terms with go-trip as the case may be to help the Users avail the stay Services right.

Eligibility to use;

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or above and capable of entering, performing and adhering to these terms. While individuals under the age of 18 may utilize/browse the go-trip Platform, they shall do so only with the involvement, guidance and supervision of their parents and / or legal guardians, under such parent /legal guardian’s registered account.


go-trip in primarily responsible for providing a comfortable room stay and for ensuring the acceptability of the services as promised to customers. go-trip has right to direct the Hotel owners to provide the room stay services to customers. If any check-in is denied for a confirmed booking, go-trip shall ensure that User is provided with an alternate accommodation of comparable standards. In an event, where the alternate accommodation could not be provided, go-trip shall arrange for the refund of any pre booking amount collected from the User.

Term & Termination;

In case you wish to discontinue you can at any point opt out of your membership of the go-trip. go-trip deserves the right to unilaterally terminate your use of the platform without notice or any liability for reasons of breach of the terms mentioned herein.

Reservation or booking of services;

The process of booking Services from this go-trip Platform may require you to disclose your personal and confidential information. To prevent any possibility of unauthorized access to your confidential information such as name, address etc.

Payment & Usage Fee

You hereby agree and understand that you will have to pay the usage fee as mentioned on the go-trip Platform for the concerned Services via the payment mode provided on the Platform post which User’s requested reservation will be confirmed. Once the reservation has been confirmed, go-trip will debit the usage fee from the payment mode selected by the User. The User agrees and acknowledges that the payment procedure may call for and require additional verification of or information from the User and the User undertakes to provide complete, correct and proper information.

go-trip uses third party payment providers to receive payments from User. go-trip is not responsible for delays or erroneous transaction execution or cancellation of reservation due to payment issues. go-trip takes utmost care to work with third party payment providers, but does not control their systems, processes, technology and work flows, hence cannot be held responsible for any fault at the end of payment providers.


You are requested to kindly take due care of all their personal valuables and belongings. go-trip and its employees shall NOT be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to the Guests' personal valuables and belongings.

Refund Claim Period;

If you wish to claim a refund, you have an option to raise the request within 7 days from your checkout date.

Modification of these Terms;

go-trip reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time in accordance with this provision.

Limitation of Liability;

go-trip shall not be liable for any damages of any kind whatsoever including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary and consequential damages, damages for loss of use, data or profits, or other intangible losses, which may arise or are arising from the use of this Platform or any of the information, software, services and related graphics contained within the  Platform or any of the Services offered, regardless of whether such damages are based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, and even if go-trip has been advised of the possibility of damages.

No warranty

The Services are provided by go-trip on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express, implied, statutory


When you use our Platform, you agree and understand that you are communicating with go-trip through electronic records and you consent to receive communications via electronic records from go-trip periodically and as and when required.

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